Important Facts About Your Teenager’s Skin And Seeing A Dermatologist
Adolescence is a time of major changes for most teens and some of the more common issues seen in junior high and high school are skin issues. While other skin problems exist, two that are frequently experienced are acne and excess perspiration, both of which can be improved by seeing a dermatologist. Although over-the-counter medications can help with some skin problems,it is also possible that the problem will be worsened by using inappropriate or ineffective treatments. As a result, it will be helpful to consider the following information to improve your teenager's skin condition.
#1-Severe Or Unexplained Acne
An occasional pimple may seem like a big deal to a teenager, but it is not unexpected. However, when the acne is severe, covers much of your teenager's face, body or both or is causing them emotional distress,it is time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. Mild or moderate acne is more likely to benefit from over-the-counter treatments, while severe or chronic acne is likely to need the care of a dermatologist.
It is important to understand that acne is an all-encompassing term that includes blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. Although it is common for teens to be plagued with acne on their faces, it is not unusual to cover up body acne with specific clothing. Another unfortunate example of acne can occasionally be seen on the scalp, even through thick hair.
Fortunately, the dermatologist can provide medication that can often treat the acne and cleansers that can limit their return. Although there is no cure for acne, treatment and appropriate skin care has helped many teens feel better about their appearance and limit the severity of their symptoms.
#2-Excess Perspiration
Sweaty palms and feeling nervous at unexpected times is a common part of being a teenager. However, when your teen seems to always be covered in perspiration when there is no reason for it or if their level of perspiration is impacting their life in a negative way, it is time to make an appointment with the dermatologist as soon as possible.
Your son or daughter may be able to benefit from something as minor as a prescription antiperspirant, if the sweating is just from under the arms. If it appears over more of the body, a prescription taken by mouth can limit the sweating. In addition, Botox has been successful for severe cases of excess perspiration, as has the use of water that has been ionized with a special device on the skin.
A final choice that a dermatologist can recommend provides your teen with involves surgically destroying some of the nerves that contribute to the excess sweat. It is known as endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy.
In conclusion, seeing a dermatologist (such as one from Advanced Dermatology Care) is often the ideal choice when your teenager has significant skin issues. Adolescence will be much easier to get through with smooth skin that is free of allergic reactions and without any excess sweat.