Your Options When You’re Ready To Stop Snoring

Whether it's because your partner is tired of the noise or you keep waking yourself up at night, you're ready to correct whatever is making you snore. The noise is secondary to a problem in your airway that causes some tissues to vibrate. A visit to an ear, nose and throat doctor will uncover the issue, and they will tell you what your options are. There are a few non-invasive treatments that you can try. But if these give you no relief, surgery is your next choice. Here are the various treatments available to you to get rid of that annoying snoring sound.

Nasal Strips

These are springy strips that stick to the outside of your nose. The nostrils are held open slightly to create a larger airway through which air can pass. These are only effective if the tissues vibrating are right inside the nasal cavity. The strips can be found at your local drug store and are inexpensive and easy to try at home.


The problem could be that you have a low-grade allergy to something in your environment. Tissues in your nose and throat swell up, making it hard to get air through the airway. The inflamed tissues vibrate when you breathe. Antihistamines will reduce the inflammation and may stop the snoring noise. If it does, see your doctor to address the allergy instead of relying on the medication every night.

Oral Appliances

These are worn in the mouth every night like a mouth guard used when playing sports. They keep your mouth open slightly to widen the airway. This is effective if the soft palate in the roof of your mouth is inflamed or larger than normal, so it hangs down into the throat and vibrates. The appliance holds the tissue out of the way. These are available at the drug store, but see your ENT specialist so you can be fitted with a more comfortable custom device.


A number of the reasons that you snore may require surgery to correct. These likely have developed over time and aren't necessarily the result of an injury or disease. Your doctor will identify the tissue that is vibrating and discuss one of the following surgical options with you.

Uvulectomy - This is the removal of that small piece of tissue that hangs down in the back of your throat. It may have become enlarged and vibrate against the sides of your throat when you breathe at night.

Palectectomy - Your soft palate may have grown larger so it extends down into your throat and vibrates when your breathe. The surgeon will remove the enlarged part of the soft palate responsible for the snoring sounds.

Tonsillectomy - If you still have your tonsils, they may have become inflamed and are causing your throat to vibrate. Removal of the tonsils will stop the noise.

Rhinoplasty - If the cartilage in your nose is deformed, the nasal passages may be narrow, causing you to breathe harder to get enough air at night as you sleep. Reconstruction of the cartilage opens up the nasal airway to let you get enough air in without the forced breathing that causes tissues to vibrate along the airway.
