When Should You See A Urologist?

A urologist is a physician that focuses on the urinary tract system of the body. In a male, issues with your urinary tract system could point to a number of health issues that should not be ignored. If you are experiencing issues and you aren't sure if you should see a urologist, there are some things to watch out for. Read on for some signs that it's time to see a urologist.

Difficulty Getting An Erection

If you are experiencing issues getting an erection or you have issues keeping an erection, it may be something more than a sexual arousal issue. It could be an issue with your urinary tract system or an issue with your kidneys or with the prostate, and it is something that needs to be examined further. Issues with getting an erection can occur throughout your lifetime and from time to time, but if it's happening more often than not, or more often than usual, you need to see the urologist for further examination.


Urine leakage is not a common issue in men, unlike in women, who may experience this often throughout their lifetime. Men that experience urinary incontinence could have something else going on with their bodies, especially with their bladder or kidneys, and it is something that should be examined further. Incontinence, or difficulty in holding in urine without having an accident, or even issues with urinating in general should be examined. 

Testicular Concerns

If you are experiencing any issues with your testicles, including swelling, or if you feel a mass in your testicles, you should have this inspected further. Testicular issues can be any number of concerning issues that you need to have examined, including testicular cancer or a hernia. If you have noticed changed in your testicles, pain, or swelling, don't ignore it. Get to the urologist for help.

If you have any of the above-mentioned concerns, you need to get to the urologist for an examination and for a proper diagnosis and treatment options. Any issues that you have that may be concerning to the urinary tract system should be dealt with by a urologist. Seeing a primary care physician for these types of issues may not be enough; you need to see a urologist that specializes in this area of the body in order to get the right diagnosis and to get the right treatment.

For more information, visit a local clinic, like Nashville Healthcare Center.
