Do you often experiencing tingling sensations, pain, and feelings of numbness in your buttocks, lower back, and perhaps your upper thighs? These symptoms are usually attributable to sciatica, a condition in which the sciatic nerve becomes compressed. Sciatica can be debilitating and can keep you from doing the things you love most. Even walking can be painful and difficult! Thankfully, there are many ways to manage this condition and keep the pain in check.
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You never know how lucky you are to be able to have the freedom to move until you aren't able to do it quite so easily anymore. Out of the forty million Americans that suffer from arthritis, a quarter million are actually children. It can be hard to decide how to help ease the pain when your child suffers. Many parents are concerned that over-the-counter medications can become habit forming. Luckily, you are not alone in this pursuit to finding better remedies for pain relief.
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If one or more of your pelvic organs have prolapsed and your symptoms have not improved through the use of medications, lifestyles changes, physical therapy or the use of a device that you wear to assist the muscles in question, your physician may have suggested surgical intervention. It is important to note that in general, surgical intervention is only an option for severe cases of prolapse when other treatment measures have failed.
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If you do repetitive work with your hands and frequently experience numbness and tingling in them, you may have developed carpal tunnel syndrome. This is the inflammation of a nerve in your hands and wrists. It can become so severe that you can't pick up and hold anything with your hands. Here is what causes this condition and how it can be treated.
Irritation of the Median Nerve
The median nerve runs from your elbow through the wrist and into the palm of the hand.
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Lipid management is one way people can reduce their risks for cardiovascular disease. High cholesterol and triglycerides are usually caused by diet, excess weight, smoking, family history, and genetics. In addition to these factors, there are other, lesser known reasons for elevated blood lipids. If you experience a new onset of high cholesterol, one of the following factors may be responsible:
Beta Blockers
Medications known as beta blockers are used to treat high blood pressure, regulate heart rate, prevent migraines, reduce the risk for heart attack and stroke, and diminish anxiety.
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