Dehydration In Children: Identifying It And Treating It

Dehydration can occur very quickly in children, especially those who are losing fluids due to illness. Sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea are just a few symptoms that can zap your child of essential fluids. Your child may also become dehydrated by not taking in enough fluids. When your child is dehydrated, their cells cannot function normally, and you will notice symptoms of dehydration. All children who are dehydrated need special treatment. However, symptoms can range from mild to severe. Read More 

How Training Your Peripheral Vision Can Have Real Benefits In Your Daily Life

Many brain fitness services extol the virtues of a laser-like focus and better attention to detail, but what about everything else going on around you? Your peripheral vision is essential for maintaining awareness of your surroundings, and it can deteriorate with age. Thankfully, with the help of mental exercises and games, you can increase your peripheral perceptiveness and also give your memory a boost in the process. These are four ways peripheral vision training can have a noticeable impact on your daily functioning. Read More 

Your Options When You’re Ready To Stop Snoring

Whether it's because your partner is tired of the noise or you keep waking yourself up at night, you're ready to correct whatever is making you snore. The noise is secondary to a problem in your airway that causes some tissues to vibrate. A visit to an ear, nose and throat doctor will uncover the issue, and they will tell you what your options are. There are a few non-invasive treatments that you can try. Read More 

The Most Exciting Features Of New Hearing Aids

If you have had hearing aids for a long time, it might be time to get new ones. The most recent hearing aids have technological advances that can make your life much easier and can allow you to hear sounds that may have been masked by background noises in the past. New hearing aids are like computers that can sync with your devices and that can automatically adjust to give you the best experience possible. Read More 

How To Deal With Pain And Tingling In The Lower Back And Buttocks

Do you often experiencing tingling sensations, pain, and feelings of numbness in your buttocks, lower back, and perhaps your upper thighs? These symptoms are usually attributable to sciatica, a condition in which the sciatic nerve becomes compressed. Sciatica can be debilitating and can keep you from doing the things you love most. Even walking can be painful and difficult! Thankfully, there are many ways to manage this condition and keep the pain in check. Read More