Rheumatoid arthritis doesn't just affect your joints; it can also cause complications in other parts of your body, like your eyes. Studies have indicated that nearly half of people with rheumatoid arthritis suffer from dry eye syndrome, a painful eye condition. Here are four things you need to know about dry eye.
How does rheumatoid arthritis affect your eyes?
Having rheumatoid arthritis puts you at risk of getting Sjogren's syndrome, another autoimmune disease.
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With over 33 percent of the American adult population being considered obese, it is imperative that you do what you can to lose weight, especially if you are part of those statistics. Otherwise, you may develop type 3 diabetes and increase your risk for heart disease. Losing weight isn't easy, but you can try to add healthier food and beverage alternatives to your daily diet to help you shed the pounds.
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Looking your best is sure to be at the forefront of your mind when you're out and about with others. It's ideal to have a smile that you're proud of and want to share with the world. This could even increase the possibility of you becoming more outgoing and working to have a better life. If you want to make some changes to your smile, it's ideal for you to know some of the methods for doing so.
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Being a caregiver for a senior with disabilities can be difficult. If your loved one has a severe physical or developmental disability, adult day care provides him or her a great opportunity for interaction with peers. It also gives you the chance to work, run errands or simply enjoy some time on your own without worrying about who is going to care for your loved one during the day. Here are a few things you need to know about this valuable service before choosing a day care center.
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You want your child to grow healthily, and always put their best foot forward. As a child ages, their feet can grow every single month, especially if they are still in their toddler or young child years. With your child's feet growing clean on into their teen years, you want to pay special attention to how they balance and walk on them. Here are signs your child needs to see a podiatrist, or foot doctor, for their ever-growing feet.
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