Eyes Feel Dry All The Time? You Should Visit Your Eye Doctor

It is important that you see your eye doctor for your yearly exams to check your vision, as well as the health of your eyes. One problem you may be having is dry eyes. If so, make sure you visit your eye doctor now so you can get your treatment started. Dry Eye Syndrome Every time your eyes blink, tears spread across the cornea of each eye. This lubrication is important, as it removes foreign matter, reduces the risk of eye infections, and keeps the corneas clear and smooth. Read More 

Important Facts About Your Teenager’s Skin And Seeing A Dermatologist

Adolescence is a time of major changes for most teens and some of the more common issues seen in junior high and high school are skin issues. While other skin problems exist, two that are frequently experienced are acne and excess perspiration, both of which can be improved by seeing a dermatologist.  Although over-the-counter medications can help with some skin problems,it is also possible that the problem will be worsened by using inappropriate or ineffective treatments. Read More 

3 Ways To Make Hearing Aids More Fashionable

An estimated 35 million Americans are hearing impaired. Of these individuals who have difficulty hearing, only 28.5% use hearing aids for assistance. If the appearance of hearing aids is preventing you from relying on these devices to help improve your own hearing, there are some simple things you can do to make hearing aids more stylish. Here are three ways to make hearing aids more fashionable, so that you don't have to be self-conscious about wearing them in the future. Read More 

Don’t Let This Painful Foot Condition Keep You Out Of The Race

You love to run and you make time in your schedule for marathons and charity races. Your feet are your greatest asset and if they give you problems, you're out of the race. Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that can keep you from putting any weight on your foot at all. Here is what you need to know about this foot problem and how to keep it from impacting your running schedule. Read More 

Occupational Therapy For Sensory Processing Disorder

Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) have a difficult time organizing and acting appropriately on information they receive from their senses. Consequently, they can show signs of anxiety, motor clumsiness, and behavioral problems. Some children perform poorly in school. Symptoms range from mild to severe, but without treatment, the disorder can negatively impact a child's everyday activities. Because the brain of a child with SPD is wired differently, a treatment program that includes occupational therapy, which focuses on a sensory integration approach, can help the child respond better to the sensory information he or she receives within different sensory environments. Read More